Tuesday, December 30, 2008


This Sekarjagat dance also including into welcome dance types. This dance is including a special welcome dance type, because on that time Mrs. Swasti Wijaya Bandem, made this dance only performed for official overseas guests. This Sekarjagat dance is popular used to open occasion attended by society of governmental official.

Sekar means flower, and Jagat means the worl. Sekar Jagat means beautiful flowers adorn the world giving beautiful color to the world. This Sekarjagat dance usually danced by five persons, but there is also usually performed by three persons as long as uneven.

Mrs. Swasti Wijaya Bandem that choreograph this dance is very shrewd with systematically movement composition, balanced each other between left and right movement. Dance composition forming a circle is very beautiful if seen from above. Dancer costume is colorful make it more interesting, along with headdress from gold flower makes the dancer looks elegant and luxurious. Like as other welcoming dances, Sekarjagat dance, its dancer also bring a set of beautiful flowers, combine with hand movement make set of flowers alive. Tapih as layer of kamben still around, used kamben has unique feature fabric of Bali. Belt used on mostly classic dances has been modified become an instant angkin. Luxurious accessories such as bracelet, badong and pending makes it more elegant and luxurious.

Along with growth of modern era, Sekarjagat dance is a new creation dance created to add our knowledge in field of dance art. This Sekarjagat begin to amend so that become high class welcoming dance. This dance begin to be danced in various of official occasion held.